Flyme OS - Stable For Lava Iris X8

Flyme OS For Lava Iris X8 Features : •Input Emoji expression adjustment to enter an entry, add a lot of Emoji expression and Yan text. Figh...

Flyme OS For Lava Iris X8

Features :

Emoji expression adjustment to enter an entry, add a lot of Emoji expression and Yan text. Fighting a new posture, a large wave of expression on the road.

Add a new beauty beauty makeup function, add a key makeup, whitening teeth, high nose function. So that you think how the United States on how the United States.

The player adds decode mode options. Hard decoding more power, soft decoding more fluid, two different options, an ultimate experience.

•App Store
New application store search box top and exposed, increase the search hot words carousel, improve search efficiency.

•Status Bar
Add hover notifications and reminders in Settings - Notifications & Status Bar - Apply Notification Manager. Your friend’s Hangout notifications are live and come with a reminder.

Added status bar Add lyrics to the left of the lyrics, that is, it is → ♫, see what.

Add “wallet” App, there is a charge card charges the amount of money to recharge hot money buy top credit cards to apply for coupon insurance and other business, breath finish you.
New wealth management products “Meizu purse”, the application of Internet financial management. Since then your wife say you spend money, you open the “Money” to her, hum ~.
Add insurance services. I am an insurance salesman: not afraid of ten thousand, afraid in case, buy insurance insurance body ah.

Add step function, record the number of steps per day, you can view the number of steps per day information, support the history of steps to view, share the number of steps. I do not care, I will only use the pedometer (not applicable to the charm blue note2 Telecom Edition, Charm Blue 2 with telecommunications version, Charm Blue 3 with the telecommunications version, Charm Blue 3s with telecommunications version).
Add a new home address, company address desktop shortcut, easy to go home, fast navigation company route. Even to the ends of the earth, gently point to be able to navigate home.

Change Log | Optimization

•System Upgrade
Optimize the night upgrade trigger conditions.

Optimize the keyboard selection page, adjust the English keyboard position.
Optimized merge “half-screen handwriting”, “full-screen handwriting” to “handwritten keyboard”.
Optimize the initial capitalization of English capital function, the default value adjustment.
Optimize non-Chinese keyboard, slide the input letter function.

•Phone Guardian
Optimize the “power to remind” abnormal power consumption to remind optimization, QQ and WeChat to join the super-white list, no longer prompted to remind the high power consumption. If an application does not receive a message after it is idle, check to see if it is disabled in Phone Handset -

•Power Saver - Standby Power Management.
Optimization of mobile phone housekeeper in the traffic management revision, integration of mobile networks, wireless networks for network control, increase the flow of purchase entrance (only blue note2, blue note2 Telecom Edition support, and other models follow-up optimization).

•Lock screen
Optimize close the lock screen notification content preview, lock screen notification text to “received a new message”.

Optimized from the document into the gallery to see some photos are not clear.

Optimize the optimization of panoramic algorithm.
Optimize the camera calls GPS caused power consumption anomalies.

Optimization of the first to enter the search, travel cards will not fill the destination airport name and arrival time.

Optimize call records by changing the style of the bullet box.

Optimized to switch back and forth between the WeChat and camera, switch to the WeChat Caton, will flash a white screen.
Optimize the play bingo elimination music game Caton phenomenon.
Optimize PRO 5 “tribal conflict” game quality deterioration. PRO 5 Thunder BOSS complex scenes, frames dropped to 20 fps, there is optimization of Kundun Kung Fu Panda battle scenes Caton obvious.

ScreenShots :

Credit : Flyme Os, Bhuwan, Rusho And Manish ( Lava Iris X8 Team )

Download Link :

Flyme OS [Rusho] - Click Here

How To Install :

1. Boot Into Recovery Mode
2. Wipe All Preflash
3. Flash Flyme Os Rom
4. Reboot
5. First Boot Up Takes 10-15 Minutes
6. Enjoy



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APKocean: Flyme OS - Stable For Lava Iris X8
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